
Our Journey

Our Journey


Our Journey



It all started with a mission. We wanted to create high quality, essential wardrobe that lasted, and we couldn't find one. The most popular tshirts on the market are either cheap, or expensive for no other reason than their logo—so-called branded tshirts. Are you getting what you pay for?


So we started digging into the cost of these popular brands, and boy did we find something! Most of them only cost 10-20% of the selling price… literally paying for the logo not the quality of the tshirt.


After months of development and testing, we came up with our own line of anti-branded/slow fashion clothing: no logo, no middlemen. And now we're proud to say that Well, we did it! We created the perfect tshirt: our top-notch staple cotton tshirt is made in USA and handcrafted from India, where workers are paid a fair wage. Our price breakdown available at our store let consumers know exactly what they're paying for.

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